Practical Solutions: How to Stop Cats From Pooping in the Garden

So, you’ve got yourself a bit of a cat conundrum, eh? Now anyone who’s got an outdoor space knows how lovely it is to have nature come visit, birds chirping, bees buzzing. It’s like your own little slice of paradise. But then, your garden becomes a toilet for the neighborhood cats – now that ain’t paradise, let me tell you.

Cats are inclined to poop in gardens for several reasons. They have a natural instinct to mark their territory, leaving their scent on the loose soil as a territorial claim. Cats may be drawn to the soft and loose texture of garden soil, which resembles a litter box. 

Gardens often attract small prey like insects and rodents, which cats hunt. The act of defecating can be a territorial display or a result of the excitement from successful hunting. There’s ways though, practical ones, that’ll fix your issue. Turn your garden back into a garden, instead of a free-for-all kitty bathroom.

Natural Home Remedies to Deter Cats

Don’t go believing you need to break the bank to solve this problem. There’s a variety of home remedies out there that work wonders. Below are the most common ones:

Utilizing Natural Scents as a Deterrent

Before you start panicking, let’s explore our first line of defense, natural scents. It seems our feline friends can be quite finicky about certain smells. They are not fans of citrus at all – not lemons, not oranges. Putting citrus peels to good use can stop cats pooping in your garden. 

You would think with all those citrus oils in the peel, it would attract them, but nope, runs them right off. Distaste is a powerful thing, proven again. Mix it with a bit of eucalyptus oil and it works even better. 

Citrus Peels: A Cat Deterrent

It’s something about the smell of oranges and lemons, those kitties just can’t stand it. If you’ve got some saved up, scatter them around. If there’s an especially preferred pooping spot, double up.

And here’s a little secret, just between us, sprinkle a bit of cayenne pepper on those peels. Don’t worry; it ain’t harmful to the kitties, just deters them. Bet you didn’t think you’d be whipping up a recipe to keep cats away, huh?

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Coffee Grounds to Prevent Cats

Coffee grounds, mixed with a little bit of that cayenne pepper goodness – works like a charm. Not only does it stop them from doing their business, it also deters cats from walking across your beloved plants. Just a sprinkle here and there. No unwanted kitty business and your flower beds stay stray feline-free. An all-around win, do you say, huh?

Making Your Garden Unattractive to Cats

Consider your garden a grand old castle and cats as the invaders. The goal isn’t to hunt them down, but to fortify our castle so they look elsewhere for lands to storm. Little changes can make the garden less attractive to cats, deflecting them to the neighbor’s cat-friendly litter trays instead. 

Cats dislike walking on certain textures, such as prickly surfaces. Therefore, you can place materials like chicken wire, rough stones, or thorny plants around garden beds to discourage them from entering. Alternatively, you can use large, decorative mulch chunks instead of fine-grain mulch.

Creating Physical Barriers Like Chicken Wire

The thing about cats is, they hate feeling trapped, kind of like you and me in a maze with no cheese at the end. Just spread some chicken wire on your soil beds. Its crisscross pattern works like the thought of weekday mornings – a huge deterrent! Cats hate the feel of it under their paws because it’s as comfortable a walk as walking barefoot on Lego bricks – which as we all know, is only for the bravest among us.

Chicken wire isn’t exactly the prettiest belle at the ball, but you can cover it up with a thin layer of soil or mulch and voila! Out of sight, out of mind.

Use of Spiky Mats in Flower Beds

Cats are attracted to that soft soil in your flower bed as much as moths to a flame. But place some spiky mats in there, and they won’t be so keen to use it as their personal restroom anymore. It’s kind of like us trying to have a peaceful time on a bed of nails. No, thank you.

Spiky doesn’t mean ‘torture device’ – start with harmless items like egg shells or placing twigs. They’ll poke a hole in any feline’s plans of digging and pooping there.

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Plant Deterrents: Planting to Keep Cats Away

Like those legendary wizards who used magic to keep dragons away, we’re gonna use plants to keep these feline invaders at bay. A little kitchen magic is all we need. Cats have sensitive noses – strong scents can be as welcome to them as a sneeze in a crowded subway. We can exploit this to get rid of cats who just won’t respect garden etiquette.

Using Coleus Canina as Deterrent

Coleus Canina, or the ‘Scaredy Cat Plant’, has a pungent smell that cats would cross seven seas to avoid. Position these green warriors in areas where cats love to poke their noses and to them, your garden will seem like a haunted house. No thanks, kitty, I’d rather poop somewhere else. This powerful aroma is the stuff legends are made of when it comes to repelling cats, making it an excellent device to stop cats pooping in your garden.

The Power of Lavender and Rosemary in Deterring Cats

Cats are sensitive to strong scents, and both lavender and rosemary emit fragrances that many cats dislike. These scents can be overwhelming for cats and might discourage them from entering areas where these plants are present. Additionally, lavender and rosemary plants have woody stems and textured leaves that can be uncomfortable for cats to walk on or brush against. The texture, combined with the scent, can make the area less inviting for cats to explore or use as a bathroom.

Technology Assisted Solutions

Humans have invented a heap of devices to deal with almost every ordeal – even keeping cats from doing their business in our gardens. Here are some options you can use. 

Motion Detectors: An Innovative Solution

You can use any of the motion detectors below to deter cats: 

Sound Motion Detectors to Deter Cats

Predictably, cats like calm and quiet spots to do their thing. A sudden, unexpected noise can scare them off. Enter sound motion detectors – these gizmos can give ‘uncalled-for surprises’ to wandering cats. Silent to the human ear but appalling to feline ears, these devices release an uncomfortable high pitch sound when a prowling cat triggers the motion sensor.

Low-maintenance and easy to install, they’re a popular choice for cat deterrents. Just plant ’em in your garden and watch the cats vamoose. These work day and night, protecting your property from any sneaky invaders.

Using Motion-activated Sprinklers for Cat Deterrence

Now, let’s combine the classic fear cats have of water with some high-tech innovation. The result? Motion-activated sprinklers. Cats strutting around your garden won’t be expecting a sudden burst of water. It’s harmless, but enough to deter them.

Set these sprinklers in the areas where you notice frequent cat activity. These devices detect movement, and then – whoosh – they shoot out a blast of water, drenching the unsuspecting trespasser. It’s just like a super-water-gun-guardian, protecting your garden. Just note you’ll need a water connection handy for these sprinklers.

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Fencing and Other Physical Deterrents

Fences, barriers, and a few other tricks that might help keep those furry culprits away from your prized petunias.

Install Anti-cat Fences in Your Garden

If you’ve ever seen a cat transformation video, you’d know they can’t stand anything spikey or prickly. They crave soft surfaces for their delicate paws. Covering parts of your garden with chicken wire or planting holly cuttings on your soil can create a deterrent. 

The sharp parts aren’t too inviting for the cats and other critters who have their peepers set on your green oasis. This ain’t a solution to deter just cats, it’ll keep other animals out too. 

Water as a Cat Deterrent

For our fluffy friends, water is pretty much their archnemesis. That’s why a sprinkler set on a timer to go off every 30 minutes or so will discourage any cat from pooping in your garden and crushing your plants. If budget allows, there are fancier automated water-based deterrents. 

These devices release a quick jet of water when a high-pitched frequency from an ultrasonic cat repellent detects movement. A bit of dry mustard around your garden won’t hurt, either, because cats despise its scent. Mix tech and natural deterrents for a power-punch combo.

Implementing an Outdoor Litter Box

If you’re trying to stop cats pooping in the garden, one tried-and-true method is implementing an outdoor litter tray. They won’t have to worry about thorns or other unsavory garden particles. This simple and effective solution gives our feline friends a more attractive alternative to your flower beds or vegetable patches.


To stop cats pooping in your garden, try experimenting with a blend of cost-effective and non-toxic alternatives. Cats definitely aren’t fans of certain odors and textures, and peppermint or cinnamon just happens to ruffle their fur the wrong way. Sprinkling these spices around could work like magic and the money you save on deterrence could be used to invest in some lovely garden furniture or, dare I say, a fancy, self-cleaning litter box for Boss Cat himself.

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